
OPEN TODAY 11:00 AM TO 6:00 PM

Regular Hours

  • Monday - Thursday10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
  • Friday - Saturday10:00 AM - 9:00 PM
  • Sunday11:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Holiday Gift Guide 2017

1. Sears Craftsmen 230 Piece inch & Metric Mechanic’s Tool Set (NOW only $99, reg. price $199.99)

2. PANDORA Radio City Rockettes Exclusive Holiday Charm & Ornament ($75)

3. The North Face Men’s Kilowatt ThermoBall Insulated Jacket available at Dick’s Sporting Goods, maximize comfort without sacrificing warmth ($160)

4. Add your own photo to any large Yankee Candle jar to create the perfect gift for anyone on your list! ($5 +cost of candle)


5. Iphone X available at multiple retailers on both levels ($999)


6. Emoji Sequin Pillow available at Justice ($23)


7. JC Penney Drone Sky Rider DRC377B Falcon 2 Pro Quadcopter Drone with Video Camera ($49.99, reg. price $79.99)

8. Bare Minerals Get Started Kit ($34.99, valued at $68)



9. Dress your furry friend at Build-a-Bear Workshop as one of Santa’s 8 famous Reindeer with all new holiday outfit selections ($26 Reindeer only)

10. Aldo ‘Churchill’ Men’s Boot, where rugged meets refined ($165)


Gift Cards available @ Mall Office, M-F 9-5pm. Happy Holidays from Poughkeepsie Galleria!


Download & Print the Holiday Gift Guide 2017